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  • Writer's pictureWendy Aguiar

Fight or Flight?

Adrenaline courses through their veins as they prepare for another round. The smell of sweat lingers in the air and this writer is nowhere to be found. But some people love the thrill of being seated ringside to enjoy a vicarious victory after a hard-fought battle! Sometimes the fight is fair and other times, a sucker-punch brings a champion to his knees--and he never saw it coming! “March” is named for the Roman god of war, Mars. Military campaigns that had been interrupted by a long winter would resume with a vengeance. Spring was the ultimate time to be purposeful and launch full speed ahead.

When George W. Bush eulogized his father, he painted the picture of a man driven by purpose and perpetually in motion with the following: "He was born with just two settings: full throttle, then sleep." When I heard this description, I instantly related because I view stagnation as the mortal enemy. Have you ever noticed that fighters stay in constant motion to prevent the opponent from getting a clean shot? Yet, it is equally important to rest between rounds. Breathe. Stay in the ring until the final bell sounds. But that is easier said than done. I recently heard Bishop TD Jakes assert, "Be like the eagle; if you are flying through chaos, it's time to change your altitude!" Don't stay committed to a single strategy.

If we are completely transparent, I think we can all agree that we have not seen a break in "the storm" for a long time. The constant adrenaline and stress that we endure on a daily basis can raise our cortisol levels and deplete our energy. The Bible emphasizes both a call to rest and a call to battle. So, which one takes priority? I am grappling with this EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Whether I encounter injustice, or an insurmountable obstacle stands in front of me, my instinct is to fight through it. But maybe that is my "stand still and see the salvation of The Lord" moment! The posture of surrender brings Heaven a little bit closer.

Jim Mason, a dear friend of mine who passed away years ago wrote and sang, "The Battle Belongs to the Lord" and this was his strong conviction. He often challenged me to remember this when fear threatened to consume me. Have you ever felt like you were fighting an invisible opponent? Well, you ARE. Have you ever noticed the spotlights just above the ring that highlight every offensive and defensive move? Unprovoked attacks occur under the cover of night. For this reason, I believe that we are called to battle when there is sufficient light. In essence, when confusion is present, pause to rest a while.

This month opens a brand-new decade in my life. Yes, the BIG 50! Although most people are gracious and say that the years have been good to me, I have experienced more than my share of heartache and trouble. And yet, I have also experienced the unrelenting love and kindness of a faithful God. I have chosen to embrace the symbolism because the Biblical Jubilee (50th) year was a time of restoration and liberation, during which all debts were forgiven, slaves were set free, and land was returned to its rightful owners. What a time of celebration it must have been! So, let's dance in sync to the gentle rhythm of God's timing.

Ephesians 6:10-12 (NLT)

A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

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